
Understanding the difference between ISOs and NSOs

Understanding the difference between ISOs and NSOs

Understanding the difference between ISOs and NSOs | Pulley

Basics of Employee Equity Plans

Basics of Employee Equity Plans

Things to consider when making an option pool.

Startup Stock Options: A Simple Guide for Founders and Employees

Startup Stock Options: A Simple Guide for Founders and Employees

Startup stock options work similarly to employee stock options at other types of companies. But startups move quickly, and so can the value of your options.

How Do Stock Options Work?

How Do Stock Options Work?

A stock option is a contract that allows a person to purchase a number of shares of stock at a fixed price. Learn how employee stock options work.

What Is Fair Market Value (FMV) and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Fair Market Value (FMV) and Why Does It Matter?

The fair market value of a private company’s stock is how much one share of that stock would be worth on the open market. Learn more about how FMV works and why it matters.

What Are Common Vesting Schedules?

What Are Common Vesting Schedules?

A four-year vesting schedule with a one-year cliff is the most common vesting schedule, but other options may make sense for your startup. Learn more.