Clerky + Pulley: Launch your startups instantly

Founders who incorporate their businesses using Clerky can automatically generate a cap table on Pulley with one click.

Navigating the initial stages of launching a startup can be daunting. From legal paperwork to equity management, the list of manual tasks can seem endless, often holding founders back. That’s why we're excited to share that Pulley and Clerky are joining forces to make starting a company easier than ever. 

Founders who incorporate their businesses using Clerky can automatically generate a cap table on Pulley with one click. 

Clerky + Pulley 

By simplifying incorporation, legal paperwork, and cap table management, founders can focus on building their companies. 

  • Launch with Clerky: Easily incorporate your business, set up equity plans, and distribute founder shares.
  • Scale with Pulley: Quickly generate a cap table, secure 409A valuations, and access essential tools for hiring and fundraising, including fundraising modeling.

Darby WongCo-Founder and CEO of Clerky adds, “As a startup attorney, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges startups have with cap table management. Pulley is one of the most popular cap table services with our startups, so we're thrilled to be making it easier for them to get set up on Pulley.”

How it works:

Accessing the integration:

  • Go to the Integrations page for your startup's team on Clerky. Navigate to the Pulley integration and click Install.
  • Connect and onboard your Clerky account.
  • Pulley takes care of the rest, syncing your data and setting up your cap table.

Exclusive Offers

  • On Clerky? Create your new cap table via our integration and get an exclusive 15% off your Pulley plan for sign-ups in February and March.
  • Already with Pulley but starting a new company? Enjoy a $100 discount on Clerky's Company Lifetime Package.

Launch your startup with Clerky and Pulley today.